Sunday, September 25, 2011

Spinal Decompression

Non surgical spinal decompression is a great alternative for the treatment of herniated, bulging and degenerative discs. For patients that are suffering from sciatic pain or are possibly facing surgery, this is a non invasive procedure that facilitates the body's natural healing process of the disc.

Anyone that has had a disc injury knows that it isn't easy to heal up from. The process is long and the pain can be excruciating. Also if not rehabbed correctly, this leaves one prone to a life of intermittent bouts of spine pain.

One key factor to the healing process is how much blood flow the disc receives. Blood delivers essential nutrients to the tissues that make up our bodies. It helps us repair injured tissues and also helps us to get rid of injured cellular debris as well. Unfortunately the intervertebral discs do not get a lot of blood flow which hinders the speed at which our bodies can recuperate from an injury (ie: herniated or bulging disc). In fact the discs rely upon spinal movement to facilitate a type of pumping mechanism to help drive nutrients in and out.

Here is the catch 22: when you injure your spine, the last thing you want to do is move. Muscles stiffen up and pain, achiness and swelling all start settle in for the long hall.

Non surgical spinal decompression helps with the repair of injured vertebral discs by passively inducing spinal motion. It allows the spine to move without causing severe pain to the injured tissue. The results of this treatment can be a decrease in patient pain intensity and frequency.

For more information on this procedure please contact our office for a complimentary consultation. 775-882-3555 office or visit our website at

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Arthritis and Cold Laser

So I know it has been a while since I posted something to my blog, so here goes.

Arthritis: Cold Laser a New Treatment Option
What is arthritis?
Painful inflammation and stiffness of the joints.

Are there different types of arthritis?
Yes there are several different types of arthritis. All are inflammatory conditions of the joints; the difference between them is what causes the inflammation.

Osteoarthritis (OA): This is the most common arthritis and typically shows up in knees, hips, backs, fingers etc. It is usually due to trauma or repetitive wear and tear on the joints. When you hear someone say they can feel a storm coming because their joints start to ache, this is typically attributed to osteoarthritis.

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA): This type of arthritis is due to an auto immune disease. The person’s own bodily defenses attack the joint surfaces causing inflammation and pain. This type of arthritis can be mild to severe and usually manifests itself in the hands and feet although all joints may be affected.

Gouty arthritis (Gout): This arthritic condition is due to the accumulation of uric acid crystals in the joint. People that are affected by gout usually have flare ups due to certain foods that are ingested. When the body can’t break down the urate, this material accumulates in the joints and causes painful inflammation. The most common joints affected are the big toe and knee.

There are other types of arthritis, but those listed above are the most prevalent.
What can I do for the treatment of arthritis? This varies depending on the patient. Some choose to manage their pain with drugs. Using over the counter medications such as Advil, Tylenol etc. or even stronger drugs that require a prescription. Some use moist heat treatments such as hot tubs and saunas. Some turn to topicals like Icy Hot, Bengay or Flex All 454. Although these may help alleviate the pain of arthritis they don’t address the real problem which is getting rid of the inflammation that is causing the pain in the first place. It is like being in a ship at sea with a hole in the bottom. Would you rather spend your time bailing water with a bucket or would you rather repair the hole?
How can I stop bailing water and start repairing my damaged joints?

1) Cold laser treatments
2) Change in diet
3) Specific exercises

Call our office today to schedule your cold laser visits.


or visit our website:
